Saturday, 19 November 2011

Dartmoor ( part 2 ) and Glastonbury Carnival 2011

Dartmoor is a stunning area and I feel very at home there when I visit.
Dartmeet is a beautiful place, but I must admit I prefer to go there in the Winter time when there are not so many visitors.

Glastonbury Carnival

Just a small selection of this years floats which were fantastic. The work and time people put in to them is just amazing.

Thought I would share this photo with you of floppy dog, doing what she loves best chilling in the caravan.

Blessings to you all
Julie xxx


Kath said...

Great photos! as you can imagine, I have quite a few of dogs sprawled out, legs akimbo, in the caravan LOL

Judging by where you were standing, we were a bit further long, near The Globe.

Pussycats and Angels said...

Hi Kath
Thats what I like about this breed, their lovely long legs and they do like to share them with you lol.
Such a shame we didn't meet, soon perhaps. x

jill said...

Hi Julie,your pictures are lovely Dartmoor is a lovely place,the carnival sure is colourful looks lots of fun.Thank you for the comments on my blog hope you are well.Love Jill xxx

Fran said...

Wonderful photos, I love the one of floppy dog - only a very happy and secure dog sleeps that way xxx