On the 25
th Nov we celebrated my Grans hundredth Birthday, what an achievement, as her photo shows she certainly doesn't look her age. She has seen two World Wars, had three children, three grand children, 8 great grand children and has out lived all her friends. My Gran was the one that taught me to knit when I was only 5 years old, its one of those special moments that you treasure forever and I'm sure if it wasn't for her failing eye sight she would still be knitting today. I know there's one thing she will always have and that's her wonderful sense of humour, she still tells a good joke.
On Friday she left her home for the last time where she still lived on her own and I brought her down to
Chichester from Sutton to live in a residential home, where she is now being looked after. This was her choice as she said that she was now ready for someone to look after her and to the family's relief we also agreed, now we can visit everyday, as its only a short journey for everyone. I know how lucky I am to still have my gran, so
now's my chance to spoil her.